Hello there.
It's been a while since I wrote last, been bz with stuff and my mind was caught up with a lot of things lately. I kinda had no time to sit down and write to tell the truth. Well whats new?
I turned twenty two last Tuesday, June 16th. Did i have a party? Was it a blast? Did i pass out? Nah. Nothing really happened, my mom gave me a card, received a sick awesome dunhill watch and a card from Intan. Now that was very unexpected. She told me she'd just gonna post me a birthday card. I returned home on tuesday from hazik's house around 5 pm and my mom told me i got a package. I was kinda surpised the package wasnt an envolope. Instead it was a relatively big package and it turned out to be a nice watch.I also received many wishes from close n not so really close friends. Oh yea, my mom's present is still on its way :P. I really wanna thank to all of those people who remembered my birthday (easy, facebook got birthday reminders lahhh). It meant a lot to me.
Aite, gotta go.
135 / 2025 abyss
2 weeks ago
nowadays ssh kan nk detect which fren yg really remember bout us
ya lor, i admit, i know ur bday coz fb reminded me
but, for those yg tawu tp buat2 xtawu
that's worst
p/s may life brings u goodness u deserve
happy birthday
haha yea
but realistically, it's kinda hard to memorize like 20 friends' birthday dates. Family members/bf/gf/bestfriends, kene ingat la.
thnx aida!
hepi belated besday...
haha thnx