grow old

There's a pic of my second niece. I forgot her name coz its kinda long. Been thinking a lot bout the future recently. It seems weird cause it use to give me these awkward feelings cause i probably wasnt ready to make serious decisions and all. like it or not, gotta do them bila bila with studies finishing soon. Somehow, at some point, i had this feeling of excitement of having children. am i going crazy? i guess so. i'm gonna change the topic now coz it feels really weird. oh yea, i read somewhere in nst that coffee can reduce the chance of getting alzheimer disease. kudos to caffeine. jadi minumlah nescafe banyak2, baik untuk kesihatan. i'm gonna take a nap now. until next time, au revoir


2 Responses to "grow old"

fynaz said... April 14, 2009 at 5:19 AM

updatee laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Anonymous said... April 17, 2009 at 5:01 AM

yes, i agree with fynaz. update laaa~ (!)

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I'm Azim Ali. 22 this year (2009), living in Ipoh, Malaysia and studying in Shah Alam, Malaysia. I'm pretty much the kind of a person who loves to talk talk talk and say anything that i wish i wanna say. Have fun reading my b l o g

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